Chef Nattress Catching a Swarm

Bees swarm for many reasons.

For example, swarming happens when a colony outgrows its home. The queen bee leaves the colony, taking a large group of worker bees with her. Swarming occurs mainly in Springtime, although it can happen during other times in the producing season.

Below is a video of Chef Vincent playing beekeeper. The swarm was from our own hives. It was hanging out on a fruit tree in our orchard. As long as you catch the queen you can catch the rest of the worker bees.

We should know soon whether Chef was successful!


The Bee Friendly Food Alliance is a network of food industry folks who have come together to help save the bees. With so much at stake, we are happy to be among the chefs and restaurant owners who are doing their part and making their voices heard by the public and decision-makers.